Office Administrator

 Wanda was recruited to take on the role of a Program Manager with SLG due to her diverse range of experience within the healthcare industry which blends customer service, networking, direct care, and program coordination. One of Wanda’s key areas of strength is associated with her ability to work with and mentor people of all ages from diverse ethnic backgrounds.

 For the past six years, Wanda has specialized in the oversight of brain injury support services in the Western region of Connecticut. She has excelled at developing professional relationships with specialized staffing populations capable of meeting the hands-on care needs of medically complex referrals and cemented herself as a subject matter expert with the Spanish speaking acquired and traumatic brain injury population. 

 Wanda hopes to integrate her specialized knowledge and entrepreneurial passion into her role as a Program Manager with SLG in order to benefit both her Participant and support staff populations.

Wanda Tirado-Pancorbo